I have officially turned into a whiner. B calls me a Princess all the time (and not in a complimentary way), but now I am full-on Veruca Salt. I justify this bitchtastic behavior with more whining about my situation. Pull up your chairs, little ones, and I'll tell you a sad tale.
There are benchmarks in a woman's life- home, work, and family. I am currently in the Trifecta (aka- Shitstorm) of said benchmarks. Behold my reasoning:

Benchmark 1- I did a little searcharoo the other day and realized we started searching (meaning, physically
going out to look at homes) on April 21, 2008. Yes, my friends. B and I have been in this House Rat Race for over.a.year. Update: We are currently under contract for House #11, passed inspection last week (whaaa?!), and are now in unchartered territory. Now, this is actually good news. I'm just tired of trying to buy a house and getting disappointed. I keep waiting for proverbial shoe to drop. So, I'm stressed. We're supposed to close on the 28th. Wish us luck! Oh, and I chose a gingerbread house because I'm into comfort-eating these days. YUM!

Benchmark 2- Work. More than Rumor has it my company is being sold. So....hm...job security is pretty nonexistant. Now, I don't really like my job. In fact, my first emotional response to learning we were being sold was AAAAH! HAPPINESS! I have an offer to do exactly what I want- Private Practice!- Heading up a division of a friend's business. Yay!!! Now, that means I might rich bitch, but not for a while. For awhile I'll be po' fo' sho.' Now, There's no guaruntee I'm going to lose my job. I plan on playing things Kate Winslet-style and stay on the Titanic as long as possible whilst wittling myself a life raft. But I am STRESSED!

Benchmark 3- Maybe you haven't heard but I can't have babies. Yeah, it sucks. Blame stress, blame Clomid, or blame my insurance, but I was boo-hooing in my stupid cube on Friday. Anybody else think crying at work is the WORST??? I have my HSG tomorrow, we haven't heard back on B's spermies (Hello? It's been 10 days!), and my best friend just had Baby #2 Friday. Ugh. Nuf said.
End Whine. Veruca out.
Now Warm Fuzzies! I am infinitely thankful for the following things: B, our dog, a roof over my head, B, an emergency fund, almost no credit card debt, beer, wine, B, my family, my friends, my 32C tatas, sunshine, ponies, and rainbows.