Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Coming Out

So I came out to my parents last week after my RE appointment.  This, by the way, was rather uneventful, and so did not earn a special blog entry all its own.  The best part was B giggling (oh yes- GIGGLING) that the doctor prescribed sex.  

Anyhoo, back to coming out. I was on the phone with my mom and whilst lamenting our housing crisis, blurted out, "Oh it's official.  I'm infertile."  She was stunned, I think. I'm guessing stunned due to the fact we started talking about houses again.  

She called back a couple days later and apologized for not reacting more on the phone and starting asking questions.  I had to explain that the doctor didn't actually tell me I'm infertile but we're looking at a lot of medical hand-holding to get this ute knocked up. This was also paired with the announcement that B and I are actually trying to procreate.  This is an announcement my parents have been waiting for.  We've been coy about it-

"Oh you know.  Maybe some day.... la la la." ..... Even though we'd already been trying.

Too bad the long-awaited announcement had to be paired with an infertility announcement. Actually, they took it beautifully. And telling them felt like getting rid of a ginormous weight.  It really just made me wonder why I hadn't told them earlier.  Except that maybe I was hoping it might happen for us naturally and I would just be able to announce a pregnancy, without all the other bad news. No two-sided coin.  Just a one-sided baby-smiling engraved coin.  

1 comment:

  1. "It really just made me wonder why I hadn't told them earlier. Except that maybe I was hoping it might happen for us naturally and I would just be able to announce a pregnancy, without all the other bad news."


    Good for your parents for being supportive and not all passive-aggressive question-y about it. Mine are the same way and I'm grateful every day for it. I had to draw the line, though, when my dad emailed me asking about my husband's "SEMAN" (sic - both caps and spelling.)

    I really enjoy your blog! It's tough to be funny under stressful circumstances but you make it work!
