Also known as, I've got a basketball-sized belly full of babies. (Don't you just luuuurv aliteration?)
So I've officially reached basketball status! And I made it to 24 weeks (Viability) which feels like a huge relief. Although we've got 14 weeks to go. Take a look at my belly and let that sink in. 14 weeks..... um, yeah...
Speaking of Viability, I was thinking of Monday as V-Day. There are a lot of fun V-words out there- Virility, Virginity, Veneral.
Sorry for the delay in an update. I've got no excuses...
How far along? 24 weeks, 3 days
Total weight gain/loss: I weighed myself today and I was 33 pounds up. Do the math and that's five pounds in 1 week!
Maternity clothes? If you think I can wear regular clothes you may just need your head examined.
Stretch marks? Nope! Miracles do happen!
Sleep: Improved. Although when I wake up in the middle of the night I can feel the babies partying it up.
Movement: Have I talked about how we can see movement now? A co-worker actually saw a little "pop" through my shirt the other day, which feels like an overshare.
Food cravings: I still love warm cookies the way I love reality tv- A LOT. And I love hot mulled cider even more. Put the two together and you have a recipe for Heaven.
Gender: A boy and a girl- durr
Labor Signs: This section deserves a novel-sized recap of my week, so we'll cover that below
What I miss: Rum, Flexibility, Being able to help around the house
What I am looking forward to: Getting the nursery done!
Milestones: Buying nursery furniture, Going to the hospital for the first time, Getting to 24 weeks SUCKAS!What I am looking forward to: Getting the nursery done!
And now a tale of woe. I started feeling cramps on Friday. Braxton Hix? Maybe... What the hell do I know! I've never been pregnant. So I can't differentiate between bad pain and normal pain. I give the doctor a ring and his nurse says to get my ass to the hospital to rule out pre-term labor. So B leaves a training to come pick my rolly polly butt up from work and off we go to el hospitalio (I don't "technically" speak spanish but I think mine's pretty good huh?). Turns out nothing was wrong but it was good to get a dry-run in.
Congratulations from one mom of twins via fertility treatment to another! Stopping by from SITS
ReplyDeleteI do so love alliteration. Well done. And you look great, glad everything is good. You should so go to Academy or something and play with basketballs and see if someone looks at you (or even better says something!) like an immature person who shoved a basketball under their shirt. lol would so make me laugh.