How far along? 12 weeks! Holler!
Total weight gain/loss: Up about 7 pounds. Yowsers!
Maternity clothes? My Bella Band has gone missing so I'm walking around with the old rubber-band-through-the hole. It actually works really well!
Stretch marks? Not yet!
Sleep: Can't get enough!
Movement: None.
Food cravings: Not really. Although strawberries and sausage sound really good right now! Yum!... Eaten in sequence, not together...
Gender: Brand unknown
Labor Signs: None
What I miss: Having clothes that fit
What I am looking forward to: Looking pregnant instead of looking fat and unfortunate
Milestones: Our babies have faces! And look like babies!What I am looking forward to: Looking pregnant instead of looking fat and unfortunate
Oh, burritos sound good right about now, too.... Hm..
And heeeeere are our unborn offspring! Complete with facial features!!!
I'm a hillbilly, so I can't figure out how to label the pictures or even get them to upload right side up.

On the left, you'll see Baby B's noggin and Baby A. That thing by his/her head is NOT a boy part, like my friend asked the other night (REALLY???) and is not an indication that I am giving birth to a unicorn. Baby A kept trying to suck its thumb, so that's a hand you see there.

On the right is Baby B up close and personal. Baby B was moving around a lot, which was super fun to watch!
Man, that's a big head.
Oh, and when I sent this picture to my parents, my dad said,
"He looks like you!" Um....okay Crazy.
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