Baby A- Looked like a Gingerbread Man holding a balloon (or sperm if you think like that... which you know I totally do). Heartbeat came in at a whopping 120, which was a surprise but whatev.
ps. These pictures SUCK b/c we're hillbillies and we don't have a scanner.
Then the Physician's Assistant (who I usually LOVE) came in and pooped on us. She may as well have laid a hot steamy turd in the middle of the room and said, "This is for you!" She said she was concerned about Baby A's low heart rate and it should be in the 140's at the very least. So she wanted to see me back in a week but she would be crossing her fingers and toes for me. Gee...thanks.
So we put on a brave face and grab lunch but we're all simmering with worry. Our little gingerbread baby is either Bob Marley Mellow or has some serious issues....
And then I get a voicemail from the Physician's Assistant. Baby's A heart rate was calculated incorrectly. It was actually 152. 152!!! So, I have officially graduated from the RE. Our babes are on-point. Turd retracted.
Yay for 2 awesome heartbeats! And congrats on graduating!!! Whoo hooo!!!