Or - "Are you about to give birth?"
These are the last words people utter before I sit on them and pass my pregnancy-related gas. And FYI people, I don't get to a standing position too easily these days....Bwahahaha!
Please note how our puppy is strategically sitting right where he can block the scary size of my bedunkadunk. We must figure out how to make this happen every week....
How far along? 21 weeks (and 2 days)
Total weight gain/loss: plus 25 pounds! Aren't you glad you're reading this and you don't have to pretend this is okay to my face?
Maternity clothes? All maternity all the time! FYI- I went shopping for some maternity clothes and I caught the saleswomen high-fiving.
Stretch marks? No! My skin is super stretchy!
Sleep: It's complete crap. I really need a special pillow or maybe synthetic hips. I think the pillow is easier to get and less expensive!
Movement: Yep! These babes like to come to life in the evening. Tonight they were dancing to the music on "So You Think You Can Dance." They actually seemed to have rhythm.
Food cravings: Cheese. And cheese. And icecream. And cheese. And pastries. And cheese. And cheeseburgers. And buttery things.
Gender: A boy AND a girl!
Labor Signs: Nope. This uterus is on lock-down sayeth me.
What I miss: Not having back pain and not having such a large bedunkadunk
What I am looking forward to: Getting the nursery done. Will it ever happen? Stay tuned...
Milestones: They almost weigh a pound each! 11 ounces each (and this was 1 week ago. Grow babies! Grow!)What I am looking forward to: Getting the nursery done. Will it ever happen? Stay tuned...