So I'm starting to get a lot of comments on my belly. I am trying to enjoy this cute bump period before the bump becomes ginormous. Like the boulders that fall off the mountain and crush your car. In a few weeks, I'll be carrying that boulder on my torso...
How far along? 18 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Don't judge- 20 Pounds!!! Holy Hostess! And looking at this week's picture- boy does it show!
Maternity clothes? Still just maternity pants. But I'm getting closer and closer to the maternity shirts.
Stretch marks? My rear may be the size of Texas, but I have zero stretchies!
Sleep: Better than before. I'm sleeping half on my body pillow. This seems to help a lot. They need a question on here about back pain. I've never had it til the procreation fairy came to town and wowsa!
Movement: I think so. It's no fluttery, bubbly movement. I just feel a weird pressure from inside that comes and goes? Is this a baby? Or did I swallow an alien?
Food cravings: Nothing really. Sometimes fruit....
Gender: A boy AND a girl! Holler!
Labor Signs: None and it better stay that way.
What I miss: Moving like a regular person instead of a rotund geriatric. I counted myself lucky to tie my shoes the other day.
What I am looking forward to: Getting the nursery done. We're having a bit of a color crisis.
Milestones: Finding out the babies' sexes! Duh! And a far second is buying our first baby purchase. The Kolcraft Contours Tandem Stroller mentioned below.What I am looking forward to: Getting the nursery done. We're having a bit of a color crisis.
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