So, we're more than half-way there and I am quite the rolly polly! Noah the Dog has made it his mission to show me up with his fuzzy beauty in my weekly pictures.
How far along? 20 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I'll weigh in tomorrow at the doctor's.
Maternity clothes? Maternity pants and a bunch of non-maternity shirts that will never be the same. Behold my sad, stretched out sweater on the left.
Stretch marks? No! Triumph!
Sleep: Good and bad. More bad than good these days. I'm going to have to give in and buy one of those crazy snoogle pillows.
Movement: Yes. But only on the left side. I'm trying to keep it together and not have an aneurysm because there's little to nothing on the right side. Sigh...
Food cravings: Fruit and cheese. Oh, and I HAD to have cake this week. This resulted in a batch of cupcakes that were enjoyed by all!
Gender: A boy AND a girl!
Labor Signs: None and my ute better not get any crazy ideas....
What I miss: Moving around like a spry 31 year-old. Did I tell you filing+ pregnant belly + back pain = me stuck on the floor of our file room. Uh.... yeah....
What I am looking forward to: Our ultrasound tomorrow so I can stop freaking out about our baby girl's lack of movement.
Milestones: Getting our nursery walls painted (pictures to come)What I am looking forward to: Our ultrasound tomorrow so I can stop freaking out about our baby girl's lack of movement.
Found this link for maternity jeans and thought about you. You may have already seen it though.