...1 day late. I am nothing if not horrible at keeping up my blog.
So, let me take you through what taking a belly picture looks like. B makes every effort to take crap pictures of me until I start growling at him and God for cursing me with a Man Face. Voila! Your 17 Week belly pic and my "mad face." Watch out Babies! If you make me mad you will behold this lovely expression!
And if you don't think I have a Man Face, I will tell you. I did that Yearbook Yourself deal and holy testosterone! You could have just stuck my dad's face on any of those pictures and it looked like me. Yikes!
And now- Your 17 Week update!
How far along? 17 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Who knows? I'll find out tomorrow at the doctor and pray they don't laugh maniacally at my weight gain.
Maternity clothes? All maternity pants. I think maternity shirts are imminent.
Stretch marks? Zero! For now!
Sleep: Sleep is better but still a puzzle. If it's not the mattress, it's my pillow. If it's not my pillow, it's allergies. If it's not allergies, it's time to go to the bathroom.
Movement: I'm not sure if the movement was real last week. Every time I thought I felt movement, I started to feel gas. So did loved ones in my vicinity.
Food cravings: I wanted a cheeseburger one night but that's about it.
Gender: Less than 24 HOURS until we know!!!
Labor Signs: None
What I miss: Moving regularly and sleep
What I am looking forward to: Our ultrasound (TOMORROW! WEEEE!)
Milestones: Realizing my belly button is starting to make its exit. It is freaking me out.
What I am looking forward to: Our ultrasound (TOMORROW! WEEEE!)
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